1 Introduction: Typical types of deep foundations are discussed in the following paragraphs. Entrepreneurs have developed several special and innovative types of deep foundations, and more will continue to be offered by the construction industry...

2 Driven Piles with Impact Hammer: The engineer frequently makes an extensive and thorough investigation prior to selecting of the type and configuration of a pile for a particular project...

3 Drilled Shafts: The design and construction of drilled shafts are discussed in detail in many publications (e.g., Reese and O’Neill, 1988)...

4 Augercast Piles: Augercast piles (also known as augered-cast-in-place piles) are constructed by turning a continuous-flight auger with a hollow stem into the soil...

5 GeoJet Piles: The GeoJet pile is described as an example of a special kind of deep foundation...

6 Micropiles: Micropiles are deep foundations with a small diameter. They may be installed in a variety of ways and have several purposes...



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