The total settlement of a structure is the maximum amount the structure has settled with respect to its original position. The Palace of Fine Arts in Mexico has settled several feet but still remains usable because the differential settlement is tolerable. Differential settlement causes distortions in a structure, possible cracks in brittle materials, and discomfort to the occupants. The masonry building materials used in constructing the Palace of Fine Arts can tolerate the inevitable differential settlement, but some discomfort is inevitable. One can feel a deļ¬nite tilting while sitting in a seat and watching a performance.
The subsequent chapters on computation of the settlement of a foundation show that the maximum settlement should occur under the center of the foundation and the minimum under the edges. Some proposals suggest that the difference between the maximum and minimum, that is, the differential, should be some fraction of the maximum. However, in all but exceptional cases, the engineer should create a design in which total settlement is moderate and differential settlement negligible.
Settlement as a result of subsidence can be important in the design of foundations. Subsidence occurs because water or perhaps oil is removed from the underlying formations and causes an increase in effective stress, triggering settlement that can amount to several feet. Subsidence has occurred in many cities because of dewatering. Houston, Texas, is an example. The movement of the surface usually is relatively uniform and foundation problems are minimal, but faults can occur suddenly and can pass through the foundation of a
home, with serious and perhaps disastrous consequences. A less common cause of subsidence is the yielding of supports for tunnels used in mines that have been abandoned in some regions of the United States.
Areas of subsidence may be more frequent in the future as the need for water increases and possibly leads to more pumping of water from aquifers.
The engineer must be aware of areas where subsidence is occurring or is expected to occur.